
After twelve years in practice, in two states, in both criminal and civil litigation, I am both relieved and excited to announce that I am launching my own practice.

Most attorneys will tell you that they did not attend law school, and borrow the money to do so, to be an associate forever. Although I am thankful to have been given the opportunities I have had as a clerk, a law firm Associate and as an Assistant District Attorney, I am most professionally satisfied to be simply an attorney at law in my own practice.

It is in this capacity that I can do all the things I have learned, exactly the way I feel they should be done. I am able to work directly with my client, recommend the strategy I see as the best way forward, and drive litigation effectively and efficiently.

The lessons I have learned over the last 10 years, in the office as well as on trial, will be put to use in order to obtain the best result possible for my clients. And I hope that the satisfaction I derive from the culmination of my  professional development will be rivaled only by that of my client’s satisfaction with the service I am able to provide.

If there is anything you need to discuss, any question you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I look forward to working with you.